Please be informed that Traceroute42 sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw, Poland, at Aleje Jerozolimskie 81, 02-001 Warsaw, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000805796, NIP: 7010944859, REGON: 384444641, share capital: PLN 5,000.00 [hereinafter: Traceroute42] is an owner and administrator of website [hereinafter: Website].
The Website is a channel of providing information about Traceroute42 as well as our activities, in particular news on the services we render, events we participate in and/ or organize, including but not limited to: ongoing projects, trainings and recruitments [hereinafter: Intended Use of the Website].
Using the Website and the services available on the Website, require entering address of the Website in your web browser as well as meeting the minimum requirements: use of current version of one of the following web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Edge.
While using the Website, you are required to observe these regulations [hereinafter: the Regulations] and the provisions of applicable laws as well as comply with the Intended Use of the Website.
You are not allowed to provide any unlawful content to the Website and/or disrupt operations of the Website in any way whatsoever. In particular uploading files that contain viruses, trojan horses, worms, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another's device and/or property of another, is strictly prohibited.
This Website as well as its contents and information provided on the Website, are protected by the applicable laws and international conventions regarding intellectual property and copyrights. Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication, change, provision and in general, any other action of public operation referred to the Website and/or its part, including content and information provided on the Website is prohibited, without explicit and clear consent of Traceroute24 .
All complaints regarding the Website and the services available on it should be send to [email protected]. Complaints filed correctly shall be considered within 30 days from the date they are received by Traceroute42.
Confidentiality and Personal Data d
We strive to protect your privacy while using the Website. To this end we have issued required regulations, implemented policies and conducted necessary training for members of our personnel.
Our Privacy Policy regarding the processing of personal data is available at:
Cookies d
To enhance the quality of our services available on Website, we will be sending to Your web browser a special files, readable by our web server, which will be stored on your device [hereinafter: the Cookies] .
The Cookies enable identification of the user's web browser or device. Please note that since some information contained in Cookies may relate to an identified or identifiable natural person, Cookies may be classified as containing personal data as defined by Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council / EU / 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with in connection with the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (Official Journal EU L2016, No. 119, p. 1) (GDPR).
Our Cookies are used for:
ollecting statistical data regarding Website, Website users and their preferences,
monitoring Website traffic;
to distinguish users of the Website;
ensuring safety of the Website as well as services available on Website;
constant enhancement of services available on the Website and adjust them to users' preferences.
Types of Cookiesd
You can encounter two types of Cookies:
ession - which remain on the device until: leaving the website, closing the web browser or turning off device (whichever occurs first), and
persistent, which remain on the device for the time set in their specification or until removed by the user (whichever occurs first).
The detailed list of Cookies used on the Website include:
ookie Name: _utmb _utmc, type: persistent, expiry after: 30 minutes, purpose: these cookies work together to calculate how long a visit takes: _utmb takes a timestamp of the exact moment when a visitor enters the Website, while_utmc takes a timestamp of the exact moment when a visitor leaves the Website, _utmb expires at the end of the session, _utmc waits 30 minutes, and then expires (_utmc waits 30 minutes for another page view to happen, and if it doesn't, it expires);
Cookie Name: _utmz. type: persistent, expiry after: 6 months, purpose: this tracks where visitors came from, what search engine was used, what links were clicked on, what keywords were used, where they were in the world when they accessed the Website;
Cookie Name: _utmv. type: persistent, expiry after: 2 years after last visit, purpose: this cookie stores custom variables for each visitor and allows us to use segmentation to better understand our visitors;
Cookie Name: _ga, type: persistent, expiry after: 2 years after last visit, purpose: this cookie is used to distinguish between Website visitors.
Third Party Cookies
In addition to our Cookies, Cookies of third parties - with whom we cooperate while operating the Website [hereinafter: the Partners] - may be sent to your device, while visiting the Website.
Cookies of Our Partners are subject to separate policies that may be issued from time to time by respective Partners.
Traceroute42 herby disclaims any responsibility for the cookies of any third Parties (including Partners).
Settings regarding Cookiesd
You can manage your consent for use of Cookies via privacy settings on the Website or your web browser.
Instructions on how to disable cookies in various web browsers can be found on the websites of their respective publishers. Below please find links to instructions issued by publishers of popular web browsers:
Disabling the cookies may interfere with some features of this Website and reduce its ease of use.
Please note thar disabling the Cookies will only apply to a specific browser. To this end, the same actions will have to be taken for any other browser used on the same or another device.
The Website contains links to other websites. We cannot be held responsible for the privacy practices of these sites. We urge you to read the respective regulations issued by owners/ operators / administrators of above said websites.
The communication between you and us may be conducted by e-mail. Traceroute42 hereby informs and explains that by its nature electronic communication does not provide complete security of the transmitted data as to its integrity, completeness and confidentiality as well as does not guarantee trouble-free operation. By sending an e-mail to us, you agree to use this communication channel. Traceroute42 can not be held responsible for damages caused by the use of e- mail, as well as interruptions in access to the e- mail service or irregularities in the operation of e-mail service.
Traceroute42 does not guarantee the availability and operational continuity of the Website or of those other websites it has established a link with. To this end, Traceroute42 is in no case liable for any damages that may arise from a) lack of availability or accessibility to the Website or those other websites it has established a link with; b) interruption in the operation of the website or computer failures, telephone failures, disconnections, delays, or blockages caused by deficiencies or overloads in telephone lines, in the Internet system, or in other electronic systems; c) the lack of suitability of the Website for the specific needs of the user and; d) other damages that can be caused by third parties out of the control of the Traceroute42 e) users' inability or failure to have the content or information on the Website available or to use such content or information, in the event that minimal requirements are not met.
Traceroute42 does not guarantee the absence of virus or other elements on the Website introduced by third parties out of the control of the Traceroute42. To this end Traceroute42 will not be in any way liable for any damages of any nature that may arise from the presence of viruses or other elements on the Website introduced by third parties out of the control of the Traceroute42.
To the extent allowed by applicable law, Traceroute42 shall not be held liable for the use that users and/or third parties may make of the Website or content and information, provided on the Website or for damages that may arise from above said sources.
Other Provisionsd
If any provision of the Regulations is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable under applicable law the remaining provisions shall continue to be in full force.
Traceroute42 reserves the right to amend the Regulations and update it, from time to time
The Regulations are made in Polish and English language version. In case of any differences or disputes between the language versions, the Parties agree that the Polish version shall prevail.
The Regulations are subject to the law applicable to the seat of Traceroute42 and all disputes arising from its application are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the Republic of Poland.