of Kubernetes Technology

Maximize the benefits of Kubernetes implementation without overloading your core team. TraceRoute42 provides expertise, training and technical consulting so you can focus on the business value.

Our expertise is also much more extensive, and not limited solely to Kubernetes. If you need help with your Cloud/Bare Metal solutions or any infrastructure issue, let us know!

Contact Us

Business advantages of Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an amazing and cutting edge solution, but it is by no means easy to use. As it is being developed constantly, there's a big chance that it will become even more complex in the nearest future.

It requires a considerable amount of expertise and experience to operate in production properly. Getting your team ready requires lots of time and resources. Hiring a dedicated team means spending even more resources.

resource costs
High availability
Rich feature set
Zero downtime

Wouldn't you rather save money, time and lots of effort? We can implement and operate Kubernetes as well as train your team and provide support whenever necessary.

Architecture & Design

The TraceRoute42 team caters to your specific needs and produces customized physical, virtual or cloud architectures of high-availability systems to provide the optimal use of server resources, eliminate downtime or build resistance against unexpected crashes.

We assure full scalability during rapid load increases, highly stable environment, continuous accessibility, fast recovery, smooth updates, setup automation and resistance to vendor lock-in.

We help you reduce risk, costs and simplify your IT by establishing a strong foundation based on open source and open standards.

Servers & Architecture Management

Production environment is like a living organism, every day it's a bit different. Changes happen so often and unexpectedly that it takes a discerning eye to notice all of them. Therefore, we not only maintain your servers but also offer 24h/7 monitoring and fast response to any challenges, emerging needs or just day-to-day problems.

Our sysadmin experts discreetly manage updates, backups, data recovery and security patches. We support all system layers: from hardware health check through hypervisor level of virtualization to applications administration. We also adjust the configuration to individual needs according to all professional principles.

Dedicated Team
& Technical Support

TraceRoute42 is concerned about solving problems in operating of services. We begin by assisting the architects and developers in choosing an optimal solution during the concept phase or implementation of major functional changes. We advise on how to prepare for changing factors and parameters of system load, security breaches, unexpected emergency situations and their impact on project resources.

We fully support DevOps philosophy so we are always ready and eager to work together with your developers in order to help them provide continuous delivery, add value and deliver features faster.

Our tech stack


Get better visualization of your apps, tools & services



Manage massive amounts of data with scalable Databases



The most popular open source message brokers



Say goodbye to monolithic applications

KubernetesDockerAWS ECS


Move your data freely, save time and effort!

KubernetesDockerAWSDigital OceanCloud to BareMetalBareMetal to Cloud


Automate applications & IT infrastructure

AnsibleGitlab/BitbucketJenkinsCI/CD pipelinesTerraformPuppet